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Frequently Asked Questions 


  • I have already attended a Cursillo Weekend, can I attend again?  If you have already experienced a Cursillo weekend you cannot attend again, but you can reenergize your experience by working the weekend. Contact the 3-Day chair for upcoming opportunities. 


  • What do I need to bring for the weekend?  Bed linens, blankets, pillows and towels are provided. You may wish to bring an additional pillow or towels to add to your comfort. You will also need to bring your own toiletries. Bring your bible and rosary and if you like, any other spiritual reading materials you might use on a daily basis. 


  • What type of clothes do I need for the weekend? We encourage you to dress comfortably. Most candidates and team members will dress in casual pants, shirts and wear comfortable shoes. Bring a jacket or sweater as we do walk outside and between buildings. Some parts of the retreat center may be warmer or cooler depending on the season.  We do attend Mass each day and encourage you to dress appropriately. This includes the Sunday morning Mass where you should consider wearing what you would normally wear to Sunday Mass in your own parish. 


  • Do I need a sponsor to attend?  Yes, you do need a sponsor but if you don't have one, the Cursillo team can put you in touch with someone in your parish or your geographic area that can be your sponsor. 


  • What is the role of my sponsor? The sponsor walks this Cursillo journey with you. They are there to answer questions, offer prayer for you and ensure that you make a transition into the 4th Day community. 


  • What are the requirements to attend? Cursillo is open to all stable, post-adolescent Catholics who can validly receive the sacraments.  It is generally suggested that recent converts to Catholicism wait at least one year prior to beginning their Cursillo journey.


  • Do I have to spend the night? Yes, this is a requirement so that you can be in community with other participants and avoid distractions from the outside, secular world. 


  • I have special dietary or physical needs, can you accommodate these? Yes, just note this on your application in the space provided. The team will accommodate your requests whenever possible. 


  • What is the cost to attend? A free will donation is taken up on Sunday to cover the cost of the weekend.  Scholarships are available for those needing financial assistance.  Financial ability is never an obstacle for anyone seeking to attend a weekend to begin their Cursillo journey. 


  • How do I get an application? You many download an application here. (download now)


  • What is the application process? Fill out the application. Your sponsor will need to fill out this section too. This is then submitted to your parish priest for final completion. There is a mailing address where the application can be submitted on the form. 


  • How far in advance does an application need to be submitted? The weekend retreats do fill up quickly and space can be limited. It is important to submit your application as soon as you determine that Cursillo is the right program for you.  The precursillo chair person will cut off the acceptance of applications approximately two weeks prior to each weekend. This allows the team to prepare for the number of candidates for each event. If there is a waiting list these applications are held over for the next weekend. 

The Cursillo Movement in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas 2024

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